Sujets de recherche et d'enseignement : conseils d'administration, choix d'investissement, structure du capital, analyse des flux de trésorerie, finance d'entreprise, gouvernance d'entreprise, rémunération à base d'actions, entreprises familiales, introduction en bourse
Responsabilités administratives :
Mon CV
My paper « Climate risk and capital structure« , with Quentin Moreau, was presented at the PRI academic conference (9 September 2019, Paris) and at the Grasfi Conference (5 September 2019, Oxford).
EFMA 2018 Conference: LARRY LANG Best Paper Award in Corporate Finance for Ginglinger E., Hébert C. and L. Renneboog, 2018, Are Investors Aware of Ownership Connections?
Recent publications:
David T. and E. Ginglinger, 2016, When cutting dividends is not bad news: The case of optional stock dividends, Journal of Corporate Finance, 40, 174–191 This paper has been summarized in the CFA Digest